Adulting Dilemma

The five adulting dilemmas are as follows, sleep, work, friends, family, and fitness. However, you only get to choose only three.

2 min readOct 14, 2020

How many times have you heard the saying, we all have the same 24hours in a day?

When you look at other people's lives and what they have accomplished, you might start asking yourself how the “successful” people are getting the most results out of their day.

Recently I came across a concept called the adulting dilemma. What this means is, we have five activities to choose from, namely:

  1. Sleep
  2. Work
  3. Friends
  4. Family
  5. Fitness

Here is the catch, from the list of five dilemmas listed above, most adults can only get to choose 3. The average person finds it increasingly difficult to do all these five activities on any given day. You are likely going to end up spending most of your time on only three activities that you enjoy doing or the must-do activities such as work for most people.

The three activities that I get to choose from the 5 adulting dilemmas are as follows

  1. Work — unless you have inherited some sort of wealth that will sustain you, most of us will have to work to make a living as an adult.
  2. Fitness — I function at my best when I am leading a healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercising. I find that whenever I am getting regular exercise, my sleep quality improves as well, which is a bonus. You can find more benefits of exercise here
  3. Friends — I spend most of my time with friends than with my family.

Real friends become family

I still do other activities, however, my priorities on most days are centered around the three activities I mentioned above and that is my adulting dilemma.

This concept shares a lot of similarities to the minimalist lifestyle. Being a minimalist is intentionally focusing your time and energy on the things you value the most and removing everything else that distracts you from it. When you invest your time on high priority things, you will get more results out of your day, as a result, this will leave you feeling recharged and will reduce the feeling of getting overwhelmed by other things that might try to steal your attention, a good example is social media.

In conclusion, it is important that the three activities that you choose to spend most of your time and energy on are things that are enriching the future you and helping you become a better version of yourself. If that is not the case, I would advise you to quickly relook at where you are spending most of your time and energy.

What are your adulting dilemmas?




The most important project is you. Psychology fanatic.